The past 36 hours here on the Kucinich campaign have been incredibly busy for me... so I apologize for not getting this out sooner. Here's this week's latest news from the campaign in digest form-- so it's easier for you to digest.
The bill was in threat of being killed when many members of Congress came in at the last minute to support hearing debate for impeachment. Ultimately, the resolution was referred to the House Judiciary Committee where it will be determined whether or not the bill continues on to the floor of Congress.
In order to successfuly ensure that the House votes on impeaching Dick Cheney, Congressman Kucinich needs your help. Please call Representatives of the Judiciary Committee TODAY and tell them to IMPEACH DICK.
It is because of YOU that Dennis won! On behalf of the Congressman himself, I personally thank you for your tireless dedication to getting Dennis the recognition we know he deserves.
It's official: we're ready to roll out our first shipments of campus materials to all of you Campus Coordinators out there. Supplies have been on back-order for weeks due to the volume we've been expecting. To get your paws on official campaign swag (such as posters, stickers, and buttons), zip me an e-mail to and give me your name, the school you are organizing for, and an address to send your stuff. I'll also need your phone number, and a secondary contact person for your SfK chapter.
Once you get you gear, plaster your campus in everything Kucinich-- and send me the pictures. We'll proudly host them on our upcoming Students For Kucinich webpage at the official campaign website!
While the pen may be mightier than the sword, these days it's the keyboard that wins the battle. My fellow Students For Kucinich Regional Coordinators and I have gotten extremely busy these days, and no longer have time to contribute daily posts to this here SfK blog. Now it's time for you to get involved and represent for us.
We're looking for passionate Students For Kucinich to join our blogging team and contribute a weekly upload to the official online journal of Students For Kucinich. Share what you've been doing on your campus, tell your peers around the country why they too should support Dennis, and embed videos and photos relevant to the campaign. Send me an e-mail if you're up for the job.
That's all I got for now, but be on the lookout for updates soon. As always, you can also feel free to get in touch with me for any questions you may have.