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I attend a public university. After months of trying to ignore the Ron Paul-ites on campus, I could not take it anymore. A self proclaimed Libertarian in my politics class decided that he was going to lecture the class on how amazing Ron Paul is. Something needed to be done. I simply pointed out the fact that, with Ron Paul's desire to eliminate the department of education, our public school would no longer be what it is. Tuition would skyrocket. It would become a private institution. That always shuts them up. I recommend it. 

As the primary season begins tomorrow, it seems more and more clear that there will most likely not be a Kucinich ticket in the general election. With the news that DK has asked his supporters to back Obama in the second round of the Iowa Caucas, it seems like the campaign may be looking on to other things. 

So why keep fighting? Here is a message that I sent to the members of the UCSC SFK chapter:

"I am not going to try to convince you that Dennis has a shot at the nomination. He doesn't. I am doing this because I want to inform as many people as possible that there are actually candidates who stand for what the people truly want. The media, and most importantly, the billionare businessmen who own the media, control who we vote for. If you look at Clinton, Obama, Edwards, Dodd, Richardson, and Biden, you will see that they are not what the Democratic party is really about. Looking at these candidates, you will see right-wing Democrats who take the most moderate stances possible. They do not, and will not, directly answer questions. The people who fund them are the ones who are really in charge. Dennis stands for changing our electoral system, and making these kinds of changes will make it so that we are not stuck picking between the lesser of two evils. 

If we were living in most of the other Democratic countries in the world, Dennis would not be seen the way he is here. He would actually be viewed as more of a moderate. The citizens of these countries have a true say in politics and vote for the people who truly represent their interests, not the interests of the top 1%. 

Kucinich stands for peace, true sustainability, ending corruption, and so much more. With Kucinich in the white house, oil companies and other war profiteers who represent an upper class special interest would not be allowed to fund candidates. Imagine if this had been the case 8 years ago. According to several national issue based polls, these issues, that Kucinich so passionately stands for, are the TRUE interests of the majority of the American people. 

My goal is to open people's eyes to these truths. There ARE candidates who best represent the people. We CAN elect someone who represents what we believe in. We do NOT have to make sacrifices every time there is an election."


At January 3, 2008 at 5:14 PM Josef Palermo said...
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At January 8, 2008 at 7:05 PM summac0 said...

I'm only in High School who attends a republican majority high school and most do support Ron Paul. In fact when I say Dennis Kucinich people go "Who"? Kucinich is the only true democrat I feel running Biden was ok, but we need him in the Senate and Edwards brings fear to the Big Corporations. We were discussing politics in my Civics and Economics Class and My teacher goes off on how bad Kucinich is and how is not "viable".

At January 21, 2008 at 6:04 PM James M. Jensen II said...

Ron Paul types are typical for libertarians - arrogant and self-righteous. The whole attraction of libertarianism is that it offers the illusion of moral consistency and easy answers that require almost no thought at all to difficult questions.

At February 14, 2018 at 3:05 AM Medical Procedure in India said...

Thanks for sharing that. It was fun reading it. :-)


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