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There is absolutely, positively, no stopping us now. Since I last wrote to our Students For Kucinich on Thursday morning, Dennis has climbed into first place on Democracy For America's 2008 Pulse Poll! This amazing feat is thanks to all of you out there, and Dennis is definitely paying attention: He even mentioned his gratitude yesterday when I saw him here in New Hampshire.

However, there is one last collective push for us to make if we are going to secure national media attention for Dennis and his message of Strength Through Peace.

The Democracy For America poll is still open until midnight on November 5, which only gives us this weekend to secure a considerable enough lead to earn the coveted DFA endorsement. Will you take a moment of your time to encourage your friends to join you at and vote Dennis Kucinich as their first choice for President?

You and I have already maxed out our allowed votes to help Dennis secure his lead; now, it's up to us to bring new voters into the mix to help us carry the majority percentage required to gain the endorsement. Start by e-mailing the link to all of your friends and family members with instructions on how to vote, then follow-up by posting blogs and social-networking announcements to everyone you know!

Together, our grassroots campaign can keep growing into something great. Together, we can show the world that we don't need our Presidential candidates accepting money from corporations and billionaires elites in order to obtain press coverage.

And together, we can get Dennis Kucinich into the White House.


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