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Strength Through Grease

Hey everybody!

Right now, I'm sitting at a laptop in a supporter's kitchen here in Plymouth, NH. Everybody has been great so far.

Will Hopkins, the student organizer here at PSU, has been wonderful! In two days notice, he got together a group of friends of his, as well as organized a place for us to stay (Cathy and John Bentwood, thank you so much for putting us up in your house! You guys RULE!), and got us a spot on the campus radio for a half hour radio debate with a supporter of Tom Tancredo. We video taped it as well. We dont' have video editing software right now, but eventually we'll have a laptop, wifi, an aircard, and video editing software, and we will be able to upload video from the road.

Right now though, we'll have to wait to get video up later, when we get back into Dover on Saturday.

Today is the second day of the Strength Through Grease tour!

It's not really through Grease yet, we have a rental car, but we just bought the diesel truck yesterday, and we're picking it up and having it converted to run on veggie oil in two weeks. It's a chevy suburban, but it gets 55 miles to the gallon (because it's a diesel and it's an AWESOME CAR.) It's literally a monster truck. That's actually what the guy who we bought it from wanted to use it for, but decided against it when he realized that he couldn't get it through the car wash like that. Hilariously awesome.

It's also all wired up with a 1500w stereo system, and a dual battery, so we're going to hook up a laptop to the stereo system and a video projector, and shoot movies out the back (or at least, that's what I want to do... I have to see if I can steal the video projector from the Dover office still). Then we can shoot movies out the back, or broadcast dennis on LIVE and 26 feet tall on the side of a building.

The Campus Organization had its' first meeting today, and it ROCKED. We printed up 650 flyers to hand out, and we gave them all away, plus more. We had other posters that we thought we'd be able to put up all over campus, but they have really strict rules here about flyering, and rather than pissing the administrative people off (who are all fans of Kucinich! woo woo!) we decided to follow the rules. Good thing, because we had to use our flyers that we were going to plaster the place with as handouts to tell people about the meeting today.

It was really suprising to find that even though we got 10 people to show up for our first meeting, none of them save two had ever heard of Kucinich before. THIS IS THE FIGHT WE ARE UP AGAINST. We really need to do visibility AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE.

So the first meeting was just talking more about Kucinich's platform, and Will talked about his experience in Iraq, and what it was like to be in Fallujah, and how things got worse every day here was there, and why he supports Kucinich. It was all really moving stuff, and we'll have it up on this blog here later.

Well, it's 8pm, and Tom, Jackson and I are going to walk the mile back into town and get something to eat.





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